This worksheet can be used to create narrative descriptions to post alongside sections from Worksheet 3: Identifying Connections between Policy and Practice. The purpose of these narratives is to describe the district’s progress toward meeting their wellness goals. Not all districts will have information to share in all four sections.
If applicable, write a narrative below to describe your district’s areas of success in meeting its wellness goals.
Our district has been very successful in providing information regarding free/reduced meals, and avoiding stigmatizing students with unpaid balances. We’re offering breakfast to students every day and free drinking water is always available to students. No competitive foods are sold during the school day and teachers do not use food as rewards. All students have daily recess and opportunities to engage in physical activity before and/or after school. Teachers provide regular physical activity breaks for students and community members take advantage of school grounds and shared-use agreements. There is no marketing of food/beverage items. We have an active and representative wellness committee and wellness policies are easily accessible through the school/district website.
If applicable, write a narrative below to describe how your district will create practice implementation plans to ensure full compliance with all elements of the LSWP.
One of our school and wellness committee goals is to develop a health education curriculum for students in grades K-5 that will include nutrition education. This is under development now and will be implemented in the 2025-2026 school year.
Plans are in place to ensure all required elements of the triennial assessment are made available to the public via the school/district website.
Another goal of the wellness committee is to plan a walk/bike to school day and offer a bike safety presentation to students this Spring. The goal is to promote walking/biking to school and to provide an opportunity for families to engage in physical activity.
If applicable, write a narrative below to describe how the district will update its policy to include all federally required items. You may also add plans for additional policy updates if desired.
Policies could be updated to more clearly address privacy for children receiving free/reduced meals. Although food related fundraisers are generally not permitted, the policy does allow for up to nine fundraisers per year of non-compliant foods.
If applicable, write a narrative below to describe how your district will update its policy and practices to include all federally required items. You may also add plans for additional wellness goals if desired.
Classroom celebrations do occur on major holidays. Although the policy allows for non-compliant foods to be served, teachers are responsible for ensuring that there is a healthy balance of foods available. Additionally, teachers are required to notify parents of the foods being offered. Families are not permitted to send in treats for birthdays.
One of our school and wellness committee goals is to develop a health education curriculum for students in grades K-5 that will include nutrition education. This is under development now and will be implemented in the 2025-2026 school year.