Important Updates
SAU21 is implementing ParentSquare for the upcoming school year! Parents, guardians, and staff memebrs will be recieving an email to opt in to the new service. Please see the resourced below for more information:
Teacher Resource Guide
Introduction for Parents and Guardians (English)
Introducción para padres y tutores (español)
School Administrative Unit 21 actively tries to locate any un-served children with educational disabilities (or with suspicion of educational disabilities), who reside within the SAU 21 school districts. We are interested in any children, age 0-22 who may have mental, emotional, or physical limitations. We may be able to provide services that could make a lasting difference for these children through referring, identifying, and evaluating their needs. If you are aware of any un-serviced children, please bring them to our attention by contacting Patrice Baker at 603-926-8992 x 117 or
SAU21 Districts shall retain a student's special education records until at least the student's 26th birthday, unless written consent to destroy the records is received from the parent or adult student. Certain records will be kept permanently in accord with federal and state law and regulation. The District shall maintain a copy of the last IEP that was in effect prior to the student's exit from special education until the student's 30th birthday.
If an adult student desires a copy of his or her special education records, he or she must contact the Office of the Superintendent of Schools to make an official request. Signed written requests are preferred. If a student chooses to request records by telephone, he or she will be required to pick the records up in person and sign to verify receipt of records. Except for the last IEP, Special Education Records for students born in 1995 or earlier will be destroyed on or about February 1, 2025.
Youth employment papers are currently being processed by the NH Department of Labor or at the SAU office BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please click here OR contact Nancy Gosselin at 603-926-8992 X 101 or to make an appointment.
In addition to many no-cost resources, SAU21 Districts have partnered with the Cook Center for Human Connection to offer private 1:1 coaching sessions with a trained mental health coach to interested families and staff members. These sessions include a weekly 30 minute phone call and 24/7 access to a professional via text or email. The service is offered in English or Spanish. The Cook Center provides a customized roadmap of support based on family needs. We anticipate that this will be an invaluable resource for families. Click on the icon below to get started.
30 second ParentGuidance PSA Video
My Life is Worth Living (Animated Series)
Individual Mental Health Coaching for Parents, Families & Staff
Mental Health Series Tri-Fold Brochure
Parent Guidance Free and Wraparound Services
PG Series Topics & Upcoming topics
Pickaway Mental Health Series Poster
Quick Tip DigitalHotline
SAU 21 makes the safety of all students and staff in our schools a top priority. Click the "I'm in crisis/I know someone in crisis." link to find a list of emergency numbers and other crisis resources for immediate and longer-term support.
Simply click "I need to report something." Providing your contact information is optional, otherwise you will remain anonymous.
See Something, Say Something!
Quick Links
ParentSquare Feed
Upcoming Events
Hampton Falls (LAS), North Hampton, Seabrook and South Hampton (Barnard) will have an E...
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