New Hampshire Statewide Assessment Program Schedules, information, and parent letters:
SEABROOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2022-2023 Assessment Calendar
SEABROOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2022-2023 Parent Notification Assessment Letter
New Hampshire Statewide Assessment Program
Annually, New Hampshire school districts and public charter schools are required by state law (RSA 193-C) and federal accountability laws (Every Student Succeeds Act) to assess students using a standardized assessment. Several assessments, outlined below, are utilized in order to comply with these requirements.
Statewide assessments are an important part of a student’s core educational program by providing:
- An evaluation of student mastery of content and skills in various academic areas
- Serve as one tool for measuring the degree to which students are on track to graduate high school and are college- and career-ready
- Help inform future instruction in the classroom
Along with student work on classroom assignments, projects, essays and local assessments, state assessment results give teachers, parents, and the community important information about where students are on their path toward academic success.
Participation Requirements
General Guidelines: If the student is able to receive instruction, then he/she is able to participate in the statewide assessment. It is the responsibility of the district to provide timely notification to the parents/guardians of students which statewide assessment will be administered and the timeline for administration.
All students, including students with disabilities and English Learners, are required to participate in all NH statewide assessments scheduled for their grade, including:
- Students enrolled in public schools
- Students enrolled in public charter schools
- Students enrolled in virtual schools
- Students enrolled in private special education schools (located within and outside New Hampshire)
- Students receiving educational services in institutional settings
- Students in the custody of the NH Division of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF)
All students must participate in grade-level tests that correspond with the grade in which they are reported in the Department’s i4see management system. Statewide assessments are not a graduation requirement
New Hampshire Statewide Assessment System (NHSAS)
New Hampshire students participate in the NH SAS, the general statewide assessment, for English language arts (ELA), mathematics and science in the following grades and content areas:
- Grades 3-8 students are assessed in English language arts and mathematics
- Grades 5, 8 and 11 students are assessed in science
- Grade 11 students also participate in the College Board SAT School Day with Essay
NH SAS Resources
- Lexile® and Quantile® Measures in New Hampshire help educators and parents target instruction and monitor student growth by using the free tools and resources available.
- NH SAS Designated Supports, Accommodations and Universal Tools Guide provides guidance to school-level personnel and decision making teams to use in determining universal tools, designated supports and accommodations for students prior to testing. If a student requires an accommodation that is beyond the listed accommodations, please contact Melissa White at to submit a request
- How to Generate and Print Individual Student Reports
- Listing of District Test Coordinators - Updates needed? Please email
- Listing of School Test Coordinators for In-State/Out-of-State Private Providers - Updates needed? Please email
Dynamic Learning Maps® (DLM®) Alternate Assessment
New Hampshire offers the Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessment for students with the most significant disabilities. Eligible students are assessed in English Language Arts (ELA), mathematics and science in the following grades and content areas:
- Grades 3-8 and 11 students are assessed in English language arts and mathematics
- Grades 5, 8 and 11 students are assessed in science
- Access DLM Resources and DLM Webinar Recordings
The DLM alternate assessment is computer-based and designed to measure what students with significant cognitive disabilities know and can do. Students with significant cognitive disabilities participate in the alternate assessment, whose participation in the general statewide assessment, even with accommodations, is not appropriate.The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team determines how a student will participate in the statewide assessment. For guidance on decision making, please see Accessibility and Accommodations for Students with Disabilities below.
ACCESS 2.0 for English Language Learners (ELLs)®
Federal law requires that English learner (EL) students be assessed annually to measure English language proficiency (ELP) in reading, writing, speaking and listening. ACCESS for ELLs is New Hampshire’s approved ELP assessment administered to EL students in Kindergarten through Grade 12.
NH ACCESS Resources
- What is ACCESS for ELs? Family handout available in multiple languages.
- Preparing for ACCESS Testing - Key information for educators, students and families.
- ACCESS Test Practice & Sample Items - ACCESS online & ACCESS paper.
- ACCESS for ELLs Scores & Reports - Sample score reports, interpretive guides and other resources.
- EL Reclassification & Exit Criteria - An overview of the criteria set in NH for EL students to exit EL status.
Additional resources for NH EL Educators and ACCESS Test Coordinators are available in the WIDA Secure Portal. If you don't have access to the Secure Portal, please request access through your district i4see coordinator.
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is also commonly known as "the Nation's Report Card," and is conducted at both the state and national level. This assessment has been focusing on what America's students know and are capable of doing in various subject areas by testing representative samples of students in grades 4, 8, and 12 in public and nonpublic schools since 1969.
To review NAEP results for New Hampshire schools, please go to the Bureau of Educational Statistics.
Accessibility and Accommodations
Students with Disabilities
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) teams have the responsibility of making instructional and assessment decisions for each student with a disability. A student's Individual Education Program (IEP) team, reviews guidance found in the Accommodations and Alternate Assessment Decision Making Worksheet for Participation of Students with Disabilities in Statewide Assessments to make the decision if a student will participate in the DLM Alternate Assessment or general assessment (NH SAS and/or SAT). Only students with a significant cognitive disability participate in the alternate assessment.
English Language Learners
For English learners with the most significant cognitive disabilities, the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, is the state adopted alternate English language proficiency (ELP) assessment. Students who have an IEP that requires administration of the DLM for the general assessment should take the Alternate ACCESS test.
To best support the diverse needs of all students taking the ACCESS for ELLs assessment, including English learners with disabilities, please review the resources below:
- 2021-2022 Accessibility and Accommodations Manual
- Accommodations Checklists - Checklists for tracking accommodations a student receives on the WIDA suite of ELP assessments:
New Hampshire state law permits a parent/legal guardian to exempt their student from participating in any of the required statewide assessments. School districts must ensure a form is provided for a parent/legal guardian to complete and sign in order to exempt their student from participating in the statewide assessment. A school district may use this exemption form template ; Spanish version of exemption form template.
If a parent/legal guardian exempts their student, the school district and parent must agree upon an alternative educational activity during the testing period. It is recommended that the agreed upon activity is written on the exemption form that will be signed by the parent/legal guardian and school administrator, along with an acknowledgement statement that the exempted student will not receive an individual score or summary of academic performance based on the statewide assessment.
Special Considerations
Each year, students with very serious, chronic, and fragile medical or other conditions can and do participate successfully in New Hampshire’s Statewide Assessment System. However, there are rare and unique situations in which a student is unable to participate in any part of the statewide assessment.
Such decisions must be made with the greatest care and restraint. Special Consideration exemptions for participation in the statewide assessment must be submitted to the New Hampshire Department of Education for approval. The special considerations request form must be submitted to at the Office of Academics & Assessment
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