(603) 474-2252

256 Walton Rd. Seabrook, NH 03874


Seabrook Elementary School


Mission Statement:

A communication bridge between our school and community established to foster positive relationships between teachers, parents and community to benefit our students. Through this partnership we strive to help all students reach their fullest potential by forging a 
close relationship between home and school. All parents/legal guardians of students, teachers and principals as well as all residents and all interested community members of Seabrook, NH are invited and encouraged to attend the monthly meetings. To become a voting member at our April meeting you must attend a minimum of four (4) PTO meetings between September
 and April of the current school year. We encourage you to become a part of your school community so that you can share in the development of making SES the best school it can be.



2024-2025 PTO Board Members 

Heather Emerson - President

Macree Souther - Vice President

Rachael Turcotte - Treasurer

Casey Hashem - Secretary 

Kayla Middlemiss - Donations Coordinator  


Contact us: seabrookpto@sau21.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Seabrookschoolspto/

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