(603) 474-9221

256 Walton Rd. Seabrook, NH 03874


Seabrook Middle School

Paraprofessionals' Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Informational Video:

The following brief informational video provides an overview of the Seacoast Educational Support Personnel Association CBA, including compensation, contract language adjustments, and school administration rationale. This proposed CBA will be included as a warrant article on each of our school districts’ ballots that will be voted on at the Tuesday, March 12, 2024 election. The proposed CBA was unanimously recommended by all of our districts’ school boards, and unanimously recommended by the respective towns’ budget committees, responsible for fiscal oversight and review of town and school warrant articles. 


Three (3) important notes on the proposed collective bargaining agreement (CBA):

1.       The CBA is a cooperative agreement at SAU 21. As such, the CBA warrant article needs to pass in all five (5) school districts within SAU 21 – in order for it to take effect in any one district. If one school district CBA warrant article fails, they all fail.

2.       If the CBA fails, paraprofessionals do not receive pay increases, steps, or health insurance offerings -- Our paraprofessionals are currently paid $15/hr - $19/hr and are only eligible for single-person health insurance. This is not competitive with surrounding schools districts or businesses / retail stores. We currently lose paraprofessionals at a 40% turnover rate.

3.       Our SAU 21 paraprofessionals are exceptional. They are in the classroom every day working with our teachers and supporting our students to allow for individualized and personalized instruction. They do incredible work assisting with hands-on learning opportunities and educational experiences. These professionals work in both general education and special education providing services for students as required by their IEPs.

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