HAMPTON – Superintendent Lois Costa and Superintendent Meredith Nadeau are pleased to announce that SAU 90 and SAU 21 have partnered with the New Hampshire School Fair Funding Project (NHSFFP) to host a presentation on School Funding and Property Taxes.
Tuesday, Feb. 13, from 6-7 p.m.
Hampton Academy Cafeteria, 29 Academy Ave.
SAU 90, SAU 21, the Hampton School Board and NHSFFP invite community members to attend a presentation to learn more about how New Hampshire downshifts the cost of public education funding to property taxpayers, and how this system creates disparities in tax bills from town-to-town and in the quality of education students receive.
The presentation will cover the history of the decades long fight for equitable school funding, explain the current model and show local examples of the inequities it creates, and bring the issue to the present by discussing the recent NH Supreme Court rulings, the legislature, and the path forward.
This is an hour-long event that will include plenty of time for a Q&A portion.
By bringing together community members and elected officials, the districts and NHSFFP aim to emphasize the importance of fixing the school funding in New Hampshire and build momentum for change.
This presentation will be specific to SAU 90 and 21 and the specific problems these towns face in the School Funding Model. The presentation will be recorded and distributed to those who register.