(603) 926-2539

8 Exeter Rd, Hampton Falls, NH 03844



A couple of updates and announcements - 12/12/23

Dear Parents, 

The Power School Portal will be open to parents at 4:00 today so you can view Trimester 1 report cards. Just follow these simple steps:

1. Sign in

2. Click "Report Cards" (not "Report Card" with the A+ logo) on the left side

The LAS PTO is collecting donations for Seacoast Family Promise in Exeter, NH. All donations need to be turned in by Monday, December 18th. There is a dropbox located at the Main Entrance of the school.

Seacoast Family Promise donations (due by 12/18)


HAVEN will be visiting Lincoln Akerman School on

December 13th and 14th to share presentations with our 6th-8th grade students as a part of

their Safe Kids Strong Teens Violence Prevention Program. 6th graders will receive a presentation about Healthy Relationships designed to support students in identifying qualities of healthy relationships with family, friends, peers, and adults in their school community, as

well as their relationships with themselves. 7th graders will receive a two-session series on Sexual Harassment designed to support our students in recognizing, reporting, and reducing incidences of sexual harassment. 8th graders will receive a two-session series entitled C.A.R.E

(Consent, Awareness, Respect, and Empathy). Incorporating the C.A.R.E Series into our school aims to promote healthier attitudes and relationships and increase help-seeking skills.


We are pleased to announce that we will offer two Theatre productions for our students. We will offer our K-4 students the chance to perform in an ensemble musical, and we are also planning a production for our 5-8 students. More information will be coming your way shortly.

Looking ahead to the new year, LAS will host our first concert of the school year on January 24th at WHS. Please save the date, our concerts should not be missed! 

Enjoy the rest of the week, 


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