(603) 926-2539

8 Exeter Rd, Hampton Falls, NH 03844



Welcome Back!

Dear Parents,

I trust that you had a wonderful break with your families last week! We have six very busy weeks ahead of us. Here are some May dates for you to keep in mind. Please know that we do not publish small field trips for safety reasons. You will receive details of those from your child's classroom teachers. 

Just before the break, I had asked parents to mark their calendars for a Mission Impact-sponsored movie afternoon for K-4 students on May 3. However, due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict, we have decided to postpone this activity. We will inform you of the new date as soon as it is finalized. 

We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events!


May 6-10 Scholastic Book Fair

May 10 - PTO Spring Carnival 5-6:30 (book fair open to families)

May 15 - Early Release for students, 11:30 dismissal

May 22 - Unified Arts Night, student concert 6- 8 pm

May 27 - No School - observance of Memorial Day

May 31 - Grades 7/8 end of year Dance 7-9 pm

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