(603) 926-2539

8 Exeter Rd, Hampton Falls, NH 03844



A couple of messages for families

Dear LAS families, 

Just a reminder that our Spring vacation is next week, April 22-27 there is no school!! 

Do you have eclipse glasses just sitting around in your house? Mission impact is collecting them! We will send your glasses to Eclipse Glasses USA, where they will be repurposed and sent out to be reused for the next partial or total eclipse in other parts of the world.  If you still have your eclipse glasses please send them in with your child by Friday, April 19.  

Save the Date: Mission Impact, a group of 7th and 8th grade students, is hosting a fun after school activity on Friday, May 3. Students in K-4 are invited to stay after school from 3-4:30 to watch a movie. During that time, Mission Impact members will also have a craft table set up. Save the date and look for a flyer to come home in your child's backpack after break. Donations will be collected when you pick up your child to help the Sniderman family.

Please continue to check out our Lincoln Akerman Facebook page to get a glimpse of lots of activities taking place at  LAS!



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