Dear Parents,
Many thanks for the fantastic teacher appreciation week celebration so many parents have worked on. Our staff is feeling the love and appreciation this week! We appreciate the PTO, Katie Kachejian, for taking the lead and all of the parents who have been in and out this week bringing treats, cleaning up, and ensuring every last incredible detail was in place. There was a lot of laughter and fun at LAS this week. Thank you on behalf of our entire staff!
We are eagerly anticipating the annual Spring Carnival tonight and are excited to see everyone outside in our lower parking lot at 4:30. The Carnival is always a joyous event!
A reminder that Wednesday, May 15, is an early release for students. Dismissal will be at 11:30 am.
Looking further ahead, our Arts Night is scheduled for May 22 at 6 pm., with the K-4 concert beginning at 6. After the concert, there will be a half-hour break, and then the 5-8 concert will begin. Both concerts will be held outside behind the playground. Our Unified Arts staff will be inside between concerts and will display student work throughout the first floor. Our Unified Arts staff includes Physical Education, Wellness, Spanish, Music, Art, and the Library. Artwork from our students will be on display in the hallways for parents to view.
We look forward to seeing you tonight,